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Figure 1. After beginning puberty, hormones cause skin to produce too much oil. 

Figure 2. Too many dead skin cells lead to blocked pores.

Figure 3. Trapped bacteria, oil, and dead skin causes inflammation and a pimple forms.


What exactly causes pimples? Everyone has tiny holes in their skin called, “pores.” Inside a pore, you’ll find oil, dead skin, and bacteria. These things are normal and were there even before you started getting pimples. But, when you go through puberty, your body and skin start to change. Your skin starts to produce more oil than usual and the oil, dead skin, and bacteria get plugged up in the pores. When this happens, a pimple usually forms. So, to sum things up, acne is related to the these four factors:


  • 1) Presence of hormones

  • 2) Oil (aka Sebum)

  • 3) Dead Skin Cells

  • 4) Bacteria


You might have heard that certain foods like chocolate or pizza cause pimples. Scientists have found that some foods MIGHT be related to acne, but it’s too soon to jump to any conclusions. This means that doctors still recommend a well-balanced diet to promote good health. But, if you feel like a certain type of food makes your pimples worst, try to stay away from it and talk to your doctor about it.


Next: Different Kinds of Zits

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